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Wig Suggestion Guide: Hades

Wig Suggestion Guide: Hades


Wig Suggestions: Jett or Jaguar in Black

The protagonist’s hair is also interpreted as Raven if you want a blue tint. Jett will be easiest to fluff up and spike out of the bag. Jaguar and Caine also have pre-teased tops and a bit more length to work with if you desire more stylized spikes. Our fluffy spikes tutorial is handy for making fuller spikes.




Wig Suggestions: Landon or Miles in Silver

Landon is a lacefront while Miles has a skin top that can be parted on either side or in the center with a hairdryer. Both styles come in Light Grey as well if you want a darker color. Check out our Anime Bangs tutorial for help with bang styling.




Wig Suggestions: Rosie or Benny in Silver

Our Rosie would need a little trimming around the bottom, but curls are perfect for Hypnos! Our Benny is a shorter style that has some curl to it as well, but you might want to do some of your own curling around the top for a more accurate look. Our Hansel is also great as a quick out-of-the-bag option with a good shake. Our pinup wig tutorial has some tips and tricks for styling curls in heat-resistant wigs.




Wig Suggestions: Grace or Matilda in Black

Nyx has some of the most intense hair in the game. With an updo as well as a fan of hair around the back, it’ll be easier to start with a longer style with a versatile top such as our Grace or Matilda and add a pack of long wefts to the back for more length. The fan base could be structured with a thermoplastic such as Worbla or made out of felt with wire attached to shape it. The top piece could be made with wefts, a hairbun, or hair from the base wig itself over a foam shape. Here are some tutorials to inspire Nyx's look.

Foam core tutorialStyling hairbuns | Wire and tape structures | Removable hairpieces | Rapunzel tutorial (for the bang): 




Wig Suggestions: Viktor or Jasmine in Silver 

Our Viktor and Jasmine styles are designed for ponytails, but they would need to be dyed to match Megaera’s light purple color. For a consistent color that won’t rub off, we recommend a synthetic fabric dye such as Rit Dyemore. To avoid dyeing the lace on Viktor, you can hold the top out of the dye bath and color the undyed spots with artist markers such as Copics. Here are some helpful dye tutorials for fabric dye and marker dyeYou can pluck the widow’s peak of our Viktor to round the hairline shape, and Jasmine’s bangs can be styled back with heat from a hairdryer. 




Wig Suggestions: Grace or Matilda in Black

The ruler of the underworld’s beard is more impressive than his hairstyle. Check out our beard tutorial to help with his look. Lace squares have been discontinued, but you can still hand-tie hair around the visible edges, or carefully glue hair. Here are some more helpful tutorials to aide you on your quest: Glued Facial Hair | How to Add a Lacefront




Wig Suggestions: Imladris or Buttercup in Silver

This character’s hairstyle leaves a bit of room for interpretation, but you could use a lacefront such as our Imladris and drape hair from the front over the wings. Our Buttercup is a non-lace style if you’re on a budget. 




Wig Suggestions: Viktor or Cady in Dark Ash Blonde 

Our Viktor is a ponytail-ready lacefront, but you could also create the ponytail as a separate attachment on a Cady using wefts. Regardless of which choice you go with, you’ll want to build a support structure under the wig to keep the ponytail upright. This tutorial features a simple wire support, but you might consider sturdier materials depending on the ponytail’s weight. See our Catra tutorial for making big fluffy spikes! 




Wig Suggestions: Cady or Jeannie in Jade

Like Alecto, Tisiphone’s ponytail could be done as a separate attachment using wefts over a short style like our Cady. This tutorial features a simple wire support, but you might consider sturdier materials depending on the ponytail’s weight. Our pinup wig tutorial has some tips and tricks for styling curls in heat-resistant wigs.




Wig Suggestions: Grace in Frost Blonde or Matilda in Titanium Blonde

Like his brother Hades, Zeus has a rather impressive beard and our beard tutorial will help here, too. Lace squares have been discontinued, but you can still hand-tie hair around the visible edges, or carefully glue hair.




Wig Suggestions: Matilda in Arcadia or Le Tigre in Soft Green

Our Matilda is a lacefront while Le Tigre comes in the closest color, Soft Green. You could use a steamer or heat from a hairdryer to train the Le Tigre back. 

Take a look at our beard tutorial for help with his beard. Lace squares have been discontinued, but you can still hand-tie hair around the visible edges, or carefully glue hair.




Wig Suggestions: Jareth Long in Light Grey or Rosie in Blue Grey

Athena’s hair appears to be textured, and with some curling, our Jareth Long is a great option! This texturing tutorial can help. Rosie is already full of curls and comes in Blue Grey if you don’t mind a darker color. Long wefts in Ice Voilet or Slate Blue would be good choices for the helmet crest. 




Wig Suggestions: Anne in Bubblegum or Luthien in Light Pink

Anne is a lacefront while Luthien is a more budget-friendly choice! You can smooth the curls on the Luthien with heat, and the bangs are long enough to tuck to the sides. 




Wig Suggestions: Venus in Jade

Venus is one of the thickest styles we carry, which is perfect for Artemis’s braid. For an even fluffier look, check out the tips from our Mitsuri tutorial




Wig Suggestions: Jess in Silver with Ash Black undercut

Our Jess style has plenty of length to work with as well as an undercut. You could also use our Kyle style, but it will be a bit shorter on top especially after curling. 

Our Sombra tutorial shows some tips for doing a side-cut over a bald cap.




Wig Suggestions: Matilda or Grace in Nightshade

Matilda is a lacefront with plenty of volume on top, and Grace has a skin top that allows parting the hair on either side with heat from a hairdryer. 




Wig Suggestions: Marty or Miles in Black

Marty is a lacefront, and Miles is a non-lace option with a skin top. You can train the bangs back on Miles using heat from a hairdryer.




Wig Suggestions: Le Tigre in Mica or Frost Blonde

Our Le Tigre style comes in both our Classic and Silky fibers! If gaps show in the back when parting for braids, you can criss-cross sections to hide them like in our Anna tutorial. Our Mitsuri tutorial is also helpful for styling fuller braids. 




Wig Suggestions: Whitney in Champagne or Rosie in Ash Blonde

Whitney is a lacefront while Rosie is a cheaper option with a lightly teased top and tighter curls. 




Wig Suggestions: Dany or Grace in Black

Both Dany and Grace have center parts; Dany is a lacefront while Grace is a non-lace style with a skin top. Trim a little shorter and use as-is for the gentle waves, or you can add tighter textures depending on how you interpret the style. Here are some tutorials for inspiration: Kaz Kaan Tutorial | Texture with Flexi Rods




Wig Suggestions: Cady or Miles in Champagne 

For a more natural hairline, our Cady lacefront is the way to go! If you’re on a budget, use a blowdryer to train back the bangs on Miles.




Wig Suggestions: Long Ponytail Clip in Black

You don’t necessarily need a full wig for this minotaur, but you could remove the butterfly clip and adhere the hairpiece over a bald cap, or style it on a Rocky like in our Double Trouble tutorial. Our Jess would be another great choice for a gijinka.




Wig Suggestions: Claire in Cool Brown

This hairstyle looks intimidating, but with the right combo of techniques, you can achieve an awesome result! Our Claire style is ponytail-friendly, and you can keep the ponytail more upright with a wire support like in our foam core tutorial. Once it’s up, texture the hair in the tail with tight curls like in our flexirod tutorial. You can use color spray to add a golden color around the top or add Ginger Blonde wefts around your wire base before securing the brown hair around it for the tail. Give the brown a more tree-like texture with highlights made from other weft colors or hair chalk




Wig Suggestions: Nigel in Black and XL Clip-in Extension in Jade

Nigel is the thickest wig you will ever meet, and you can make it even fluffier with some texture. Here are some ideas on how to texture with a crimping iron or flat iron. Our Magnum Long comes in Mirkwood if you want a hint more green and are ready to go hard with the texturing. For the long tail in the back, you can add an ombré to the top of an extension or wefts before adding it to the style. 




Wig Suggestions: Benny in Light Brown

Benny is a cute short style with a bit of curl that’s perfect for Sisyphus. 




Wig Suggestions: Jareth in Ash Blonde 

Add a couple of packs of wefts for Persephone’s braid. You can texture the hair to make it even fluffier! Here are some helpful tutorials for fluffy spikes and adding volume to a braid.


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