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Get To Know Our Master Crafters: Malinda

Get To Know Our Master Crafters: Malinda


Favorite current anime/game/movie/show:

My Hero Academia, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Your Name (I don't watch normal TV oops).

Favorite nostalgic anime/game/movie/show:

Anime: is hard to pick between Digimon, Fushigi Yugi, and YU-GI-OH!
Fav game is Final Fantasy VII.
Not counting Disney Classics, my fav childhood movie is A Little Princess, which still makes me cry.

Favorite convention: 

This is also a difficult question because some cons I'll go to for the location (Daishocon), the cool costumes (Katsucon), the excellent staff (Anime STL) or the friends I'll get to see (Cosplacon).


Favorite cosplay I’ve made: 

My Bard from Final Fantasy XIV, or Twilight Princess Link (though I did about half the work on that costume).

Link, Legend Of Zelda

My costuming/crafting strengths: 

Wigs, sewing, and painting.


If I could improve one cosplay skill, it would be: 

Larger props. I've mostly worked in a smaller space with limited equipment for it.


A quote that inspires me to keep going: 

"Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!" 

-Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus


One thing I can’t live without at a convention:

My phone! I go to cons more for the people than anything else, so I want to make sure I can get in contact with my friends. If I’ve got work or guest obligations, I also need my phone to keep track of time and my schedule.

Weirdest thing to happen during a convention:

*FFXIV spoilers ahead!*
Not sure if you'd consider it "weird," but at Final Fantasy XIV fan festival, someone created a memorial for our dearly departed elf boyfriend Haurchefant with a photo frame and some candles, and by the end of the weekend, he had an elaborate shrine of contributed items. It was pretty amazing. It even got official FFXIV press coverage.

Best hashtag: 

#elfboyfriends or #iamyourrolanberry

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