Malinda WWWIP Week 6

Malinda here again, and for WWWIP Week 6, I started on the leather and added some final touches to other pieces. This is only the second time I’ve tooled leather for a costume!
My friend Oliver has a Twilight Princess bracer pattern that I had used previously. I used it again for the overall shape before drawing the BotW bracer design.
I mixed just a tiny bit of Easy Carve Concentrate with my water to aid the tooling process. While the leather was damp, I traced over the design with a stylus.
Tip: If you drew half of a symmetrical design with a pencil, when you flip the paper to trace the other side, you can rub over the whole drawing to transfer the lines if the leather is damp. Trace over the graphite with the stylus.
I started tooling without the swivel knife, but I later carved into my indentions lightly for straighter lines while tooling.
Once the tooling was done, I wet the surface one more time before I formed it into the shape I needed. Kyle has a Sintra bracer form with a piece of EVA foam inside that helped hold the shape. I removed the leather the following day to finish drying and used a beveler on the edges.
Here are final touches for other pieces I was working on. I finally added applique details to the undershirt, which were super tiny. I also added eyelets to the tunic with this handy tool JoAnn’s carries. Use coupons to get these kinds of tools for cheap! The light blue leather lacing came from our local fabric warehouse.
I finished the cape after getting more fabric for the lining. To create the closure, I used two buttons and a chain accessory from a fabric warehouse.
And here's the finished cape! I feel like I was able to accomplish a lot this week even though I'm a bit behind schedule. See you next week with more leather progress!