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Malinda's WWWIP Week 2

Malinda's WWWIP Week 2

Breath of the Wild Champion Tunic Progress - Week 2

Malinda here! This past week I wrapped up the pants and undershirt. I also got started on the tunic which I'm planning to have finished before my next blog post.

The Undershirt:

I used a basic shirt pattern with a round collar, but since Link's shirt collar seems to go straight across, I cut it into a more angular shape. The pattern was intended to have a rolled hem around the collar, but since it's angular, I created a facing instead (shown in right image).

The facing was sewn to the shirt around the collar and corners were clipped before turning right side out and ironing. I used interfacing as well to keep the collar shape from stretching too much. The fabric is an interlock knit which has a one-way stretch and is quite soft.

From there, the rest of the shirt was assembled, and I hemmed the other edges. I used a regular topstitch around the collar where there's interfacing, but a zig-zag stitch was used for everything else to allow the material to have stretch.

Here's the assembled shirt! I'm still debating my options for the details around the collar.


The Tunic:

When I was working on Twilight Princess Link, I commissioned God Save The Queen Fashions for his tunic and hat to save myself some time, and also because she had access to a bunch of amazing materials and resources. She gave me the mock-up afterward, which works well as a pattern for Link's BotW tunic with some minor alterations. Forgive me for not ironing!

I'm currently drawing the designs for the tunic. Stay tuned for next week's post, where I'll be explaining the applique process!

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