Get To Know Our Master Crafters: Jess

Favorite current anime/game/movie/show:
Current favorite? My Hero Academia takes the cake for sure! I haven’t been this into a show in years! I watched the episodes as soon as they came out and keep up with the manga weekly ;my blog picture is even one of my MHA cosplays! It’s so cute and has a great message for young and old anime fans alike.
I’m also Voltron Trash through and through!
Favorite nostalgic anime/game/movie/show:
Inuyasha is definitely my most nostalgic anime (my first fandom!), but I will also always love Final Fantasy 9.
Favorite convention:
Katsucon and Gencon! Katsucon has a super fun cosplay-centric atmosphere and Gencon is perfect for the tabletop gamer that lives forever in my heart.
Favorite cosplay I’ve made:
Oh this is a really hard one. It’s a tossup between Lulu from FFX, and My HEV Suit from Half Life. Each used different skills and were satisfying to make in their own ways.
My costuming/crafting strengths:
I’m sort of a Jack of All Trades, but I have a really strong base in sewing and pattern modification. I’m very good at thinking in 3D space, so it's really easy for me to convert and modify patterns on the fly!
If I could improve one cosplay skill, it would be:
Painting and small details! I’ve gotten a lot better in recent years, but I want to get better at correct highlighting/contour in regards to paint as well as correct layering to get depths within the pieces you’re working on, especially small spaces!
A quote that inspires me to keep going:
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
― Douglas Adams
One thing I can’t live without at a convention:
My portable Bluetooth speaker! I love playing music when I’m getting into costume or putting on makeup or showering or winding down for the night— It really helps me center myself after a busy and social day!
Weirdest thing to happen during a convention:
Master Crafter Erin and I were wearing the same costume (Warhammer Sister of Battle) at Gencon 2014. We stared each other down at first because it’s always a little intimidating running into someone who is wearing the same thing as you (and Erin’s armor skills are so top notch)! We ended up next to each other in the cosplay contest and became fast friends. I can’t imagine what my cosplay journey would be like without her!
Also, I got engaged at DragonCon! I was totally played the fool by my fiancé and photographer friend.
Best hashtag:
Photo Credit:
HEV Suit – Zatoyoshi Photography
Lulu – M1Photography
Daisy/Luigi - InfinitySpiralPhotography