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Malinda's WWWIP Week 3

Malinda's WWWIP Week 3

Malinda here again, and this past week I worked on Link's Champion tunic!

I used applique for all the details, which is an easy technique to learn. I'll walk you through the process:


I drew my designs on paper first since I needed to duplicate them for symmetry. You can draw directly on the paper side of Heat n Bond or Wonder-Under (these can be found in the interfacing or notions section of your local fabric store), but make sure it's a mirrored version of the design. If you drafted on regular paper first, cut it out and trace it on Heat n Bond or Wonder-Under.


Iron with the glue side facing the wrong side of your fabric, and then cut out your designs.
I used a brocade material because I wanted to make the design more interesting. I figured since this tunic is intended to be worn by a champion recognized by the royal family, it should at least be a little fancy.


Having some kind of stabilizer on the fabric you're sewing to will keep it from stretching/warping around the designs. I used a lightweight iron-on interfacing and tore some of it away after the applique process was finished. I also did a basting stitch around the edges as a guide for the seam allowance and design placement.

Peel the paper backing off your designs, and iron them to the right side of your fabric.


Now's the fun part. Set your sewing machine to a fine zig-zag stitch. My machine was on "1" for stitch length and "2" for the zig-zag's width. Use this stitch around all the edges, pivoting while the needle is down on corners and re-adjusting carefully when needed.
I did this process before sewing the whole garment together and adding the lining.


And the tunic is basically finished! I'm a tad behind schedule, but that's okay since props are a low priority. Next blog I should have the wig finished and some cape progress. 


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