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Jess Soars In With Crowe From Howl's Moving Castle

Jess Soars In With Crowe From Howl's Moving Castle

Hello Arda Crafters!

My name is Jess and I’m the Graphic Designer at Arda Wigs! I’m joining Kyle, Malinda and the other Master Crafters during this year's Winter Weekly WIP!

The project I am going to tackle for this WWWIP is Crow Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle. I think this project will be moderately complex and will challenge my creative limits. I’m so excited to get started!

When starting any cosplay project, the first thing I do is gather references. I went to my trusty friend Google and found this official character image:

This is a really good start but it doesn’t have quite the depth of reference I like to start with. Luckily that’s easy as I own a copy of Howl’s Moving Castle myself so I popped the movie in and gave it a watch. It was then I remembered that there are so many different versions of Crow Howl. Below are some screen caps of them and notes I made:


After some thought, I think I’m going to stick with the “War Rescue” version of Howl as that is the closest to the original Art I found throughout the movie. I plan to take some elements of the other versions into artistic consideration as well!

Next step was to gather base materials:


I might need to grab a few more things later (I have a ton more feathers being shipped to me from China!) but I’m excited to begin making the fabric bases for the loads and loads of feathers I’m going to lay!


Till next week!

-- Jess

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