Master Crafter Crimsyn Cosplay Takes On Fiddlesticks

My name is Matt aka Crimsyn Cosplay and I will be one of your Master Crafters for Arda’s Second Annual Winter Weekly Work In Progress. This year on our road to Katsucon 2018, I will be constructing the character of Fiddlesticks from League of Legends in his original skin. My goal for this project is to use commonly used cosplay materials, but in a more unconventional way!
Here is a list of my weekly goals:
Week 1: Limb Week - Design a way to create the illusion of having limbs that are sticks, and begin to craft the limbs.
- Week 2: Sewing Week - Design and create the shirt-dress
- Week 3: Glove Week - Design and create a way to have enlarge hands that are also articulate.
- Week 4: Headpiece Week - Design and engineer a functional moving jaw piece, and incorporate it into the construction of the headpiece.
- Week 5: Straw Week - Create a way to simulate the look of straw with wig hair and nylon strips, and assemble the shoulder pads and any other places needing straw.
- Week 6: LED Week - Construct the lantern and rig both the headpiece and lantern with LED’s
- Week 7: Test Week - At this time, the cosplay should be at a point where I can do mobility test runs to make sure everything fits properly and I can walk properly. If not, this time will be used to fix any issues. Additionally, start the construction of the Scythe/Sickle.
- Week 8: Weapon Week - Finish the construction of the Scythe/Sickle.
- Week 9: Undergarment Week - Construct the black spandex undersuit and stilt covers to create the illusion of Fiddlesticks’ limbs.
- Week 10: Finalizing Week - Finish all the details and work out any kinks in the costume, and maybe even create some cute crows if I have extra time :)
Looking forward to getting started!