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WWWIP 2019 Week 4: Crimsyn

WWWIP 2019 Week 4: Crimsyn

Artwork by Zach Fischer Designs

Light Fury Transformation

Post #4: Gems & Armor

Hi Everyone!
This week I have been working on the armor for Light Fury. I am going a little off of my scheduled calendar, but that’s okay because I got really into building the armor! Instead of working on any sewing this week, I mainly focused on armor building and detailing, and will hold a whole week to sewing later on.


The first step for building the armor was transferring all of my pattern pieces into craft foam. For this piece in particular, the shoulder pad, I needed to create darts in the pattern for more roundness in the final shape. So, I made sure to cut all the darts out and glue them together with super glue before moving into the next step.

Next, I moved into the thermoplastic stage - for this stage I will be using Thibra for my armor. This step is the hardest for me because it always look a bit shabby and messy, but it always gets cleaned up with detailing later! I am using the “Wrapping” method with the Thibra instead of the “Sandwiching” method in order to achieve this base structure for the armor. You can really use either method, but since I am using foam for my detailing, my base doesn’t need to be so rigid.

After the base is complete, I start with the large details first. Since this shoulder pad has two tiers to it, I wanted to lay down any details that would sit underneath the second tier. Otherwise, the details that sit underneath the second tier would be difficult to get to later on.

The foam edging I am using is from TNT Cosplay Supplies. They started selling beveled foam edging for really cheap, and it is AMAZING! I am using super glue to adhere everything together, and it has made my armor building process so much quicker!

Next, I just went to town on the rest of the details of the piece of armor. I used a mix of craft foam and the beveled edging for all of the detailing. During this step, I would also add any gems onto the armor piece, but the material for the spikes I want to add on these shoulders have yet to come in!


To add some extra dimension to the costume, I wanted to create glow in the dark gems. In the trailers for the movie, Light Fury’s eyes light up so bright in some of the dimly lit scenes, so I wanted to recreate that effect with the gems of the costume.

In order to create these gems, I bought a bunch of different sized clear glass cabochons that are used in pendant making. I found these on Amazon along with some glow-in-the-dark light blue paint.

Basically, all I did was paint the glow-in-the-dark paint onto the back of the cabochons, but since the paint is a bit see-through, I decided to top it off with some purple paint as an opaque background. The glow-in-the-dark paint is very shear, so I used about 7 coats just to make sure there was enough!

Lastly, I added some craft foam details and stuck them onto any armor pieces that needed them! Here in the photo you can see how much they glow! It is super fun to play with!

Here is a photo of some of the things I have finished this week! I started to dabble into painting because I got really excited about the color scheme and wanted to test some paints. However, more on painting will come later on! Hope you all enjoy and hope all of your holiday seasons were amazing! :)

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