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Let The Journey Begin!

Let The Journey Begin!

Screenshots from Gamepedia

Hello and welcome to the second annual Winter Weekly Work in Progress!  I’m Master Crafter Kyle, and in preparation for Katsucon I will be constructing Link's Snowquill outfit from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for our very own Arda Harl.  She chose this outfit because of its cute design and moderate complexity.  This project will utilize an assortment of fabrics, leathers, custom cast buckles, jewelry and of course wig styling.  Here's a look at what my weekly goals will be:

Week 1 - Pattern and construct the shirt and begin on the leather chest piece.

Week 2 - Finish the leather chest piece, the fabric cover for it and possibly begin work on the diagonal belt.

Week 3 - Finish the diagonal belt and work on the gloves and bracers.

Week 4 - Finish up the gloves, bracers and make the pants.

Week 5 - Make the waist sash, the waist belt and start on the boots.

Week 6 - Continue and hopefully finish the boots.

Week 7 - Wrap up on the boots, make the tail feathers and begin making the pouches.

Week 8 - Finish making the pouches and make the quiver.

Week 9 - Finish the quiver, make sure that everything else fits comfortably and make final adjustments as needed.

Week 10 - Nothing! We'll be on the road to Katsucon to debut it at our WWWIP meetup.

Join me every Thursday evening through Arda's Facebook Live as I work on a new aspect of the costume. You are welcome to ask me any questions you may have for construction, patterning, material choice, or whatever else might be troubling you in your cosplay project. Let's make the journey together! If Thursdays don't work for you then don't worry, we will be posting progress throughout each week from both myself and our other master crafters to keep you motivated. See you on stream!

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