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WWWIP Week 9 Erin

WWWIP Week 9 Erin

Hey there crafters, it’s Erin from the Foam Corps again back to say I have finally finished my knee armor! Woohoo!

I decided to add the details to these plates in Apoxie Sculpt because it’s a lot easier to work in fine detail in clay as opposed to using scrap Worbla. Plus, the Apoxie Sculpt is so smooth! I had made myself a template of the design on the lower knee plate in Adobe Illustrator, so I sized it correctly, printed it out, and used it as a stencil to keep my sculpting even.

As you can see, I took a bit of artistic liberty on the knees. Eirika’s design varies from different views even though the artwork of this outfit is all done by the same artist. So rather than try and beat myself up trying to figure out what’s most “accurate,” I went for what I thought would look the best. This included shaping the wings how I thought they would look nicest, and adding beveled trim to several areas.

Of course, accuracy can be a great goal for cosplay, but never forget it’s also your own artistic interpretation of a character that often doesn’t exist in the real world. I was 110% happier with the visual interest of the knees after I added the trim, even though it’s not in the original artwork. And what’s really important is how much I like how it looks! So, as I wrap up the knees, I’d consider these pieces a big success!

Tonight I’m diving into shoulder plates. See you next week, friends!

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