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Customer Spotlight: Gen-chu Cosplay

Customer Spotlight: Gen-chu Cosplay

Cosplayer: Gen-chu Cosplay

Cosplay: Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn

Wig Style and Color: Matilda Dark Copper Red,
Pumpkin Wefts, Ginger Blonde wefts 

Photographer: Martie B. Photographie

Arda: Tell us a little bit about the featured photo!

Gen-Chu Cosplay: Aloy (from Horizon Zero Dawn) was my big project last year. I spent a lot of time making this costume and manage to keep it low cost by reusing stuff I had and keeping an eye for sales. The fur is actually from a carpet and look much better than any furry fabric I saw. The costume itself (not counting the bow and the wig) cost me around $80. A wisely invest $80. 

For the hair I wanted something more spectacular and close to the look of the game, that's why I invest most of my budget for this cosplay into a good wig and some wefts. I went for a Dark Copper Red Matilda for the base and used Pumpkin and Ginger Blonde wefts to sew in and get a nice color blend. I made some dreadlocks out of those wefts and kept the rest as is to flow freely into the hairdo. 

Even though I didn't get my makeup from Arda I did spend a fair amount of time making those freckles to look as real as possible - not of them are!


Arda: Which look/costume are you most proud of?

G: Aloy is by far my most complex and polished cosplay yet but one I really like is Gaige from Borderlands 2. I made this one more than 3 years ago and I still wear it every year at a con or another. This one was a big challenge for me and that's when my craftsmanship skills really went up. Making the clothes look cell shaded and distressed was a really fun challenge, not to mention the makeup. Bonus, the costume is actually really comfortable!


Arda: Do you have a favorite Arda Wig style and/or color?

G: I bought different styles and colors from Arda and never got disappointed. I like the numerous varied choices, both for styles and colors. Silky is perfect for long wigs while the Classic fiber is really good with gravity-defying / static hairstyles.


Arda: What Arda product are you dying to try out?

G: The Jess and Kyle wigs with their undercut are really interesting and I'd like to put a hand on both those wigs for future projects!


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