Zazie Cosplay

Name and Social Info?
Zazie Cosplay. Follow me on Instagram!
Photo Credit
Do you run a business you'd like to promote or do you have one in mind you'd like to lift up? Tell us about it!
I plan on opening up a 3D print cosplay prop shop in the future with my partner, so stay tuned!
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
When I was younger I always wanted to be a zoologist/vet because I loved animals so much.
What made you start creating/cosplaying?
One day me and my best friend decided to cosplay for Otakon 2013. She wanted to go as Luffy from One Piece and I as Noloty from Book of Bantorra. We got our fabric and helped each other with creating our first cosplay together. We learned a lot on this project. And even though the results weren’t perfect I enjoyed the whole process. Now I have 20+wigs, large boxes filled with fabric and so much eva foam. And I’m happy for it.
What is your favorite tool you use daily?
Glue gun. It’s great for all cosplay repairs. Especially on the go at cons.
What is your favorite Arda Wig? Why?
Nina classic. I love the style and it’s one of my favorite wigs to wear on a daily basis. You can do so many cute styles with it.
What advice do you have for creators just starting out?
Cosplay whoever and whatever you want. It’s not about accuracy, near me it’s not about if you bought it or made it. Cosplay is about having fun. Don’t be afraid if your skin or body type doesn’t match. It’s about bringing your favorite character to life.
What do you love most about cosplay?
I love learning new things. Every time I start a new cosplay it’s always learning something different. And just being able to create something after nothing and put everything together is just wonderful!
What issues in the community do you wish you could change or bring awareness?
I wish everyone can cosplay without any hate or judgment from others. Cosplay is about having fun not about bringing others down.
What does Juneteenth mean to you?
It means freedom to me. It means I can dream and be whatever I want.
If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?
WiFi and my phone.
- Tags: Juneteenth