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Critical Role Campaign 3: Wig Suggestion Guide

Critical Role Campaign 3: Wig Suggestion Guide

Imogen Temult: Luthien Classic in Pale Lilac or Luthien Silky in Frosted Iris

Our Luthien in Pale Lilac is already a popular choice! The longer bangs are easy to pin or style back with a little hairspray. 

Laudna: Tauriel or Le Tigre in Black

For a more natural hairline, pluck the hairline of a Tauriel for a less dramatic shape, and ventilate light grey wefts for the silver section. If you’re on a budget, our Le Tigre has no bangs and plenty of length to work with.

With our portfolio of tutorials like how to pluck a lacefront hairline, how to ventilate for lacefronts or how to make a glued hairline you can modify your wig to your needs! 

Ashton Greymoore: Marty in Grape or Benny in Plum

You could make his “hair” out of other materials, but spiking a wig is a good solution too! Our Marty comes in Grape for a lacefront hairline, or our Benny has a fluffy pre-teased top for easier spiking. 


Fearne Calloway: Luthien or Le Tigre in Soft Green 

Soft Green is a lovely muted shade. Our Luthien has no bangs while the Le Tigre has a long bang and soft wavy layers. 

Orym: Marty or Kyle in Dark Brown 

Our Marty style comes in various brown shades in case you have a preference to something warmer, cooler, lighter, or darker! You can make a less dramatic hairline shape by plucking the widow’s peak. The top of our Kyle style can be blow-dried back if you’re on a budget. 

If you need it, learn how to pluck a lacefront hairline.

Dorian Storm: Tauriel in Silver or Landon in Black

This blue bard has a complex hairstyle with an ombre of color! You could cheat the look with multiple pieces such as a black short wig base + blue and silver wefts/extensions, or you could custom dye a long silver/white wig with Rit Dyemore in Navy and Graphite before styling it up. 

Sir Bertrand Bell: Virginia in Silver

Our Virginia comes with a steep widow’s peak that can be rounded by plugging for a closer hairline shape. Wear further back over a bald cap for more accuracy! Add streaks of grey with a pack of short wefts or clip-in extensions. 


EXTRA Fresh Cut Grass: Ash Blonde or Victory Blonde

Yes, we’re aware they’re a robot, but hear us out! For a gijinka design, an ashy blonde base would be a great start. Add some wefts or clip-in extensions in Dusty Blue for that extra bit of color. 

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