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Rick and Morty Wig Suggestion Guide

Rick and Morty Wig Suggestion Guide

Rick Sanchez

Marty in Powder Blue

Cady in Powder Blue

The Marty is a good out-of-the-bag option if you want something that styles up easily, though the Cady will get a more accurate result if you don't mind some styling. Here's a spiking 101 tutorial:

Morty Smith

Rocky in Chocolate or Light Brown

The show is pretty stylized, so you might opt for a different style such as the Derek depending on your interpretation.

Summer Smith

Morpheus in Pumpkin

Jeannie in Light Copper Red

If you want a lace front, the Morpheus has reverse wefts in the back that make it ponytail-friendly. The Jeannie in Light Copper Red is a good non-lace option if you don't use the clip-on.

Beth Smith

Inigo in Pale Blonde

Buttercup in Pale Blonde

The Inigo would have a side-swept bang, but if you want no bangs you could trim a Buttercup. The skin top on the Buttercup can be parted to the opposite side with heat from a hair dryer.

Jerry Smith

Rocky in Cool Brown

Benny in Cool Brown

The Benny is a good option if you want a style with a slight curl. You might opt for a different hairstyle depending on your interpretation.

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