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Wig Suggestion Guide: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Parts 1-3

Wig Suggestion Guide: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Parts 1-3

Part 1: Phantom Blood

Jonathan Joestar (Jojo)

 Wig Suggestions: Jaguar or Jareth in Indigo Blue

 Both the Jaguar and Jareth styles have lightly teased roots around the top for easier volume and spiking. Heat-style the crown area back with a hairdryer. The Jaguar would need less trimming while the Jareth is fluffier out of the bag. Manga depictions tend to show his hair in Cool Dark Brown or Dark Brown while the anime uses deep blues. 

 This texturing tutorial will be handy for a variety of JoJo characters!



Dio Brando

Wig Suggestions: Jaguar in Lemon Drop or Jareth in Light Blonde 

Dio’s hair color varies between more golden blonde shades. Light Blonde will be closer to the yellow side, while something like Champagne will be more natural. The Jaguar would need less trimming while the Jareth is fluffier out of the bag. 

This tutorial has some great tricks for styling wavy spikes.



Erina Pendleton

Wig Suggestions: Grace or Buttercup in Pale Blonde

Erina’s hairstyle varies, but Grace and Buttercup both have a skin top along the front hairline that allows ease in styling back with heat from a hairdryer. Pale Blonde is a nice golden shade that isn’t too yellow, or you could pick Champagne for a more natural look.



Part 2: Battle Tendency

Joseph Joestar (Jojo)

Wig Suggestion: Jaguar in Dark Brown

Our Jaguar style has a lightly teased top that allows easier spiking and fluffing with a hairdryer. The extra length around the sides is great for the longer areas, though this style will need some trimming. This texturing trick will make the longer side easier to style.



Cesar Zeppeli

Wig Suggestions: Jaguar in Lemon Drop or Jareth in Fairy Blonde

Our Jaguar would need less trimming while the Jareth is fluffier out of the bag. Lemon Drop is a “cooler” golden shade while Fairy Blonde is similar in lightness but warmer. Champagne is great if you want a more natural tone. Manga depictions also tend to show his hair in Silver or Light Grey. Fluff the top with a hairdryer, and texture if needed for easier spiking.



Lisa Lisa

Wig Suggestions: Renee in Deep Brown or Buttercup in Cool Dark Brown

As a lace front, Renee will have a more natural hairline. If you’re new to lace front wigs, we have a great tutorial on how to wear lacefronts. Buttercup is a more budget-friendly option with a skin top along the front hairline.



Suzi Q

Wig Suggestions: Matilda or Ferrari in Fairy Blonde

The Matilda style has tons of volume that make it extra versatile as a lace front. If you’re on a budget, our Ferrari or Grace would be great choices. The Ferrari has a bang while the Grace is thicker and has a skin top along the front hairline. 



Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

Kujo Jotaro

Wig Suggestions: Jaguar or Jett in Black

Cosplayers interpret this style in different ways, but one of the easier options is to use only the front of a hat and shape some of the wig’s hair over the top edge. Our Jett is an easier out-of-the-bag solution while the Jaguar has a bit more length for spikes and the longer curl in front. Our Raven color is great if you want a bluer sheen like the manga artwork. 



Old Joseph

Wig Suggestions: Chris or Jett in Light Grey

Our Chris is a premium lace front for a more natural look, while the Jett is great if you’re on a budget. Fluff the top of the Jett up with heat from a hairdryer and use hair chalk or sharpies to color the darker grey areas. Need a beard? We have a tutorial for that!



Noriaki Kakyoin

Wig Suggestions: Jaguar or Ayumi in Dark Copper Red

Both our Jaguar and Ayumi styles have a bit more length on the sides for the long curly piece. You can also use a Jett for the base and create the longer piece with a few clip-in extensions or a pack of short wefts. Manga depictions also tend to show his hair in Silver or Light Grey

View our Noriaki Kakyoin wig tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to style this character.



Avdol Muhammad

Wig Suggestion: Kyle in Deep Brown or Black

Our Kyle style is super thick on top and lightly teased at the base, which is perfect for this kind of style. You can add the tail in the back using a few clip-in extensions or a pack of short wefts

We have a great tutorial for making locs with heat-resistant wigs.



Jean Pierre Polnareff

Wig Suggestions: Phoenix or Whitney in Light Grey

Our Phoenix style is a hard front with a widow’s peak, while the Whitney is a lace front if you want a more natural hairline. Texture and tease the style to build it up, or glue hair over a foam base using extra wefts if you want a more stylized look!




Wig Suggestions: Jaguar in Lemon Drop or Jareth in Light Blonde

Dio’s hair color varies between more golden blonde shades. Light Blonde will be closer to the yellow side, while something like Champagne will be more natural. The Jaguar would need less trimming while the Jareth is fluffier out of the bag.

This tutorial has some great tricks for styling wavy spikes. Want to go fluffier? Try this.



High DIO

Wig Suggestions: Ken in Plum or Marty in Grape

Ken and Marty are lace fronts for a more natural widow’s peak, but our Phoenix style comes in Deep Purple as well if you’re on a budget! Ken will have a bit more length to work with for the top and mullet, and Marty is an easy style to shake and wear out of the bag. High DIO’s hair has also been depicted with White, Grey, and DIO’s normal blonde hair. 



Vanilla Ice

Wig Suggestions: Grace or Matilda in Spanish Brown

Our Matilda is a lace front while our Grace style is more budget friendly. You can tease the top for a higher bang and relax the waves with some heat from a hairdryer. For the lighter brown piece on top, add an XL Clip-in Extension or some short wefts in Warm Light Brown.



Anne (Stowaway Girl)

Wig Suggestions: Eowyn or Stevie in Black

You might prefer our Stevie for the soft curls, or the Eowyn for the versatile skin top. 



Kujo Holy

Wig Suggestion: Inigo in Pale Blonde

The Inigo’s volume and length are a perfect combo for Holy’s hairstyle. Texture for more fluff around the bottom if needed.

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