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Princess Zelda: Wig Suggestion Guide

Princess Zelda: Wig Suggestion Guide

Princess Zelda’s hairstyle changes with every game! Here are our recommendations for each one.

Legend of Zelda

Wig Suggestion: Vivien in Light Brown

The first Zelda game is one of the few where our princess is a brunette. Our Vivien would be an easy out-of-the bag option.


A Link to the Past

Wig Suggestions: Venus Classic in Light Blonde or Venus Silky in Golden Blonde

The same Zelda design is used in A Link Between Worlds. The Venus has a good length in the back and a bang. Light Blonde/Golden Blonde are closest to her golden shade. Depending on your preference in blondes, you might choose another shade. Our Nina style would be another good option if you straighten the curls with a flat iron, steamer, or simmering hot water.


Princess Hilda (A Link Between Worlds)

Wig Suggestions: Luthien in Dark Purple or Le Tigre in Nightshade

The Luthien style can be straightened with a flat iron, steamer, or simmering hot water. Our wig straightening tutorial gives excellent advice on how to achieve this. The bangs can be tucked under on each side to blend into the style. We will also be adding Nightshade to our Le Tigre style soon, which would be another great option. 


Ocarina of Time

Wig Suggestions: Matilda or Grace in Ginger Blonde

Matilda and Grace have waves that can be smoothed with a flat iron, steamer, or simmering hot water. Our Le Tigre is a straight option that could work with some trimming, but the Matilda and Grace are easier to style back. Matilda is a lacefront and Grace has a skin top along the front. You can use heat from a hair dryer to train the front of the Grace back.



Wig Suggestions: Venus Classic or Luthien in Pale Blonde

Sheik’s hairstyle is the same between Ocarina of Time and the Super Smash Brothers games, but colors can vary between references. Pale Blonde, Light Blonde, Fairy Blonde, and Ginger Blonde are all good options, and we recommend picking a blonde you prefer with your own skin tone. The Luthien will have a longer bang to work with, and the layers will taper the thickness more drastically. The Venus will be thicker and longer in back. These styles are also available in our Silky line.


Oracle of Seasons/Ages

Wig Suggestion: Le Tigre in Ginger Blonde

This Zelda design is similar to Ocarina of Time, but her hair is longer in back. Watch our heat-styling tutorial for advise on how to style the curls in front.


Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks, & Minish Cap

Wig Suggestions: Venus Classic in Fairy Blonde or Venus Silky in Honey

“Toon Zelda” can be pulled off easily with a blonde Venus. Fairy Blonde and Honey are lighter golden shades that are great for a stylized look.


Tetra (Wind Waker & Phantom Hourglass)

Wig Suggestions: Jasmine or Ayumi in Fairy Blonde

Our Jasmine is a popular option for Tetra because it’s already updo friendly and has enough hair to roll into a bun. If you prefer something easier to wear, you could use an Ayumi and make the bun out of a ponytail clip accessory or hairbun accessory.

For a more stylized look, you can cover foam with hair from a pack of wefts and attach it similarly to how we make the Sheikah Link bun in this tutorial.


Four Swords

Wig Suggestion: Jeannie in Pumpkin

The Jeannie has a skin top that would allow you to heat-train the bangs back into the base ponytail. If you prefer a lacefront, the easiest solution would be adding a Mid Clip to a Cady.


Twilight Princess

Wig Suggestions: Tauriel in Warm Light Brown or Arwen in Sandy Brown

Tauriel and Arwen are both good lacefront options, depending on the styling you’re looking to do.

If you love the Tauriel but are looking for a rounder hairline, view our tutorial for expert advise. Love the Arwen? The hair can be smoothed straight with a flat iron, steamer, or simmering hot water. Our tutorial shows you how to achieve this look.

You can use long wefts in a second shade for her highlights. You can add Warm Light Brown to Sandy Brown or vice-versa. If you prefer a warmer shade you could add Pale Blonde or Custard.


Hyrule Warriors

Wig Suggestions: Le Tigre in Light Blonde or Fairy Blonde

Our Le Tigre has no bangs and minimal layering in back, which is ideal for this version of Zelda. It also comes in our Silky line! 

See our loose ponytail trick to shape the back above the braid.


Skyward Sword

Wig Suggestions: Venus Classic in Light Blonde or Venus Silky in Golden Blonde

The Venus has a great length in the back, though the bang may need to be trimmed shorter. Light Blonde/Golden Blonde are closest to her golden shade. Depending on your preference in blondes, you may prefer another shade. Our Nina style would be another good option if you straighten the curls with a flat iron, steamer, or simmering hot water.


Breath of the Wild

Wig Suggestions: Anne in Light Blonde or Le Tigre in Yellow Blonde

Light Blonde and Yellow Blonde are the closest shades with their golden yellow tones. If you don’t mind something a tad shorter, our Grace style has a part in the front and can be smoothed straight with a flat iron, a steamer, or simmering hot water. We do carry braid headbands, but for a thicker braid you can use a pack of short wefts and tuck it in with some bobby pins or wig clips.


Breath of the Wild 2

Wig Suggestion: Buttercup in Light Blonde

For Zelda’s shorter haircut, our Buttercup is a great option because it has a skin top in the front. This allows you to part the style down the center with heat from a hair dryer. It will need to be trimmed up to an accurate length. Our Westley is a shorter option, but it will be shorter in back than it is in the front. Our Yuri would also work well and we will be adding Light Blonde to this style soon!

We do carry braid headbands, but for a thicker braid you can use a pack of short wefts and tuck it in with some bobby pins or wig clips.


Animated Series

Wig Suggestions: Grace in Light Blonde or Papaya

Animated Zelda’s hair color varies between references. Light Blonde is a safe choice for Zelda overall while Papaya is closer to references where her hair is more of a muted orange.


CD-i Zelda

Wig Suggestions: Buttercup in Yellow Blonde or Light Blonde

Buttercup has a skin top in front. This allows you to part the style on either side or in the center with heat from a hair dryer. 

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